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Best Prices: Fujita 03 Hyundai Tiburon (2.0L) Air Intake (CA-2100) » Fujita

Compare prices and find the best price (cheap discount price) of the auto part Fujita 03 Hyundai Tiburon (2.0L) Air Intake (CA-2100) by the part number CA-2100, FUJCA-2100 from a variety of different online car part stores and dealers.

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Part Name: Fujita 03 Hyundai Tiburon (2.0L) Air Intake (CA-2100)
Part Number: CA-2100, FUJCA-2100
Part Brand: Fujita

Part Image / Picture

Fujita 03 Hyundai Tiburon (2.0L) Air Intake (CA-2100) (CA-2100, FUJCA-2100)

Part Description & Details

When building an intake system, Fujita has only 3 things in mind. 1. How can we make the most power possible? 2. How can we make a product that looks outstanding? 3. What can we do to make people orange with envy? The Solution? We invest as much thought and consideration in each part. With dyno testing done on every product, you can rest assured that you are receiving one of the best products available for your vehicle.

  • 2003 Hyundai Tiburon 4cyc Fujita Cold Air Intake System available in Polish Colo -- Fujita air filter intake gives more airflow, which means more power torque. Its DYNO-tested, has easy installation, a washable air filter, and all necessary hardware is included.
  • Fujita cold air intake for 2003 Hyundai Tiburon 4 cyclinder Only
  • Material - Stainless Steel
  • Installation Method - Replacement

Vehicles & Years

  • 2003-2003 Hyundai Tiburon


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