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Best Prices: Denso (3106) S29A Performance Spark Plug, Pack of 1 » Denso

Compare prices and find the best price (cheap discount price) of the auto part Denso (3106) S29A Performance Spark Plug, Pack of 1 by the part number S29A, 3106, NP3106, NPS29A from a variety of different online car part stores and dealers.

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Part Name: Denso (3106) S29A Performance Spark Plug, Pack of 1
Part Number: S29A, 3106, NP3106, NPS29A
Part Brand: Denso

Part Image / Picture

Denso (3106) S29A Performance Spark Plug, Pack of 1 (S29A, 3106, NP3106, NPS29A)

Part Description & Details

Surface gap plugs have no ground electrode attached to the steel shell to project toward the center electrode. Rather the outside steel shell itself acts as the ground, removing all chance of plug induced pre-ignition. Typically used in only the most extreme combustion chamber conditions and typically for cold application, the firing tip is nearly impervious to pre-ignition, however, fouling deposits can be problematic. These plugs have limited use in racing or marine use and typically require a capacitor discharged ignition systems (CDI). Some industrial applications also can require surface gap plugs (such as for extended low RPM or idle situations). Copper core for better thermal conductivity. Machine rolled threads to reduce cross-threading and seizing . The plug insulator is constructed of purified alumina powder for extreme stress with 5 ribs to prevent flashover.

  • Denso # 3106
  • Surface Gap

Vehicles & Years

  • 1988-1991 Mazda RX-7


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