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Best Prices: Centerforce LM161057 Clutch Kit - FORD LMC SERIES CLUTCH AND PRESSURE PLATE ASSY » Centerforce

Compare prices and find the best price (cheap discount price) of the auto part Centerforce LM161057 Clutch Kit - FORD LMC SERIES CLUTCH AND PRESSURE PLATE ASSY by the part number LM161057, C78LM161057 from a variety of different online car part stores and dealers.

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Part Number: LM161057, C78LM161057
Part Brand: Centerforce

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Centerforce LM161057 Clutch Kit - FORD LMC SERIES CLUTCH AND PRESSURE PLATE ASSY (LM161057, C78LM161057)

Part Description & Details

The Centerforce LMC Series is a specifically designed low inertia performance clutch that dramatically reduces engine rotating mass. These light weight, SFI approved competition clutches are intended with most road racing and circle track applications in mind. Centerforce machines these special pressure plates from high-strength aircraft-grade billet aluminum and then attach a special heat-treated replaceable friction surface. The Centerforce LMC series friction disc utilizes a dual-segmented carbon composite lining for improved cooling and excellent torque capacity. This new series of Light Metal Clutch assemblies from Centerforce uses their patented Ball Bearing actuated diaphragm and centrifugal weight system for maximum grip while maintaining a comfortable and controllable clutch pedal. When used in conjunction with Centerforces aluminum flywheels, LMC Series brings the term Light Weight to an unparalleled level!

Vehicles & Years

  • 1986-2001 Ford Mustang


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