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Best Prices: Powerstop Brake Rotors Cross Drilled Rotor (Right) :: JBR1124R » Powerstop

Compare prices and find the best price (cheap discount price) of the auto part Powerstop Brake Rotors Cross Drilled Rotor (Right) :: JBR1124R by the part number JBR1124R, P15JBR1124R from a variety of different online car part stores and dealers.

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Part Name: Powerstop Brake Rotors Cross Drilled Rotor (Right) :: JBR1124R
Part Number: JBR1124R, P15JBR1124R
Part Brand: Powerstop

Part Image / Picture

Powerstop Brake Rotors Cross Drilled Rotor (Right) :: JBR1124R (JBR1124R, P15JBR1124R)

Part Description & Details

Powerstop's best selling rotor is engineered to keep your brakes cool. Air flows over and through the drilled holes to effectively dissipate heat and eliminate hot spots. The drilled holes are precision machined in our CNC machining centers. If you have ever experienced pulsating brakes and shaking steering wheel, then drilled rotors are for you. Warped rotor are caused by excessive heat and the uneven deposition of friction (so when you stop, don't clamp your brakes on the rotor when it gets hot, try to keep the car rolling a little, or put it in park and release the brake pads). Power Stop drilled rotors run 200 degrees cooler and prevent warped rotors. Each rotor is treated with a gold zinc dichromate finish to keep that new rotor look. The combination of drilled rotors and Power Stop Z series disc pads will give you shorter stopping distance without fade.

Vehicles & Years

  • 2005-2008 Nissan Frontier
  • 2005-2008 Nissan Pathfinder
  • 2005-2008 Nissan Xterra


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