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Best Prices: EBC Redstuff 3000 Series Ceramic Brake Pads Brake Pads - Redstuff - Ceramic - Front - Maserati - Bora - Set » EBC

Compare prices and find the best price (cheap discount price) of the auto part EBC Redstuff 3000 Series Ceramic Brake Pads Brake Pads - Redstuff - Ceramic - Front - Maserati - Bora - Set by the part number DP3180C, E35DP3180C from a variety of different online car part stores and dealers.

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Part Name: EBC Redstuff 3000 Series Ceramic Brake Pads Brake Pads - Redstuff - Ceramic - Front - Maserati - Bora - Set
Part Number: DP3180C, E35DP3180C
Part Brand: EBC

Part Image / Picture

EBC Redstuff 3000 Series Ceramic Brake Pads Brake Pads - Redstuff - Ceramic - Front - Maserati - Bora - Set (DP3180C, E35DP3180C)

Part Description & Details

EBC REDSTUFF CERAMIC 3000 SERIES BRAKE PAD SET -- Made from high quality Kevlar fiber-based compound that is enhanced with ceramic particles; Features EBC Brake-In surface coating that provides instant brake efficiency on installation, eliminates the need for installer to bed-in the brakes after fitment and conditions rotor surface to remove glaze and scale; Shimmed, chamfered, and slotted to prevent heat expansion cracks and to reduce brake noise; Strong resistant to fade under load and totally resistant to rotor vibration; Reduces dust by 60 to 90 percent and can be removed easily; Superb brake effect from cold up to race temperature; Engineered for highly tuned vehicles and best for high-speed spirited street driving; With EBC's limited 1-year or 10,000-mile warranty.

Vehicles & Years

  • 1971-1978 Maserati Bora
  • 1971-1982 Maserati Merak


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