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Best Prices: Custom Vehicle Cover Triguard » Coverking

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Part Name: Custom Vehicle Cover Triguard
Part Number: CVC2I98-TR2312, CVC2I98TR2312, C37CVC2I98TR2312
Part Brand: Coverking

Part Image / Picture

Custom Vehicle Cover Triguard (CVC2I98-TR2312, CVC2I98TR2312, C37CVC2I98TR2312)

Part Description & Details

Custom Car Covers by Coverking protect a vehicle from hazards while providing a clean, custom fit.Coverking spares no expense in creating a custom car cover which fits perfectly, and with the fewest seams possible. Coverking developed the widest selection of custom car cover materials, choosing to engineer it??s own fabrics instead of relying on ?off the shelf? materials. Coverking has also pioneered the use of car cover fabrics in colors, two tone designs and reflective treatment. Coverking is officially licensed to silkscreen and embroider GM logos and other designs. Coverking Custom Car Covers are made using advanced CAD/CAM design and production systems. Coverking is TS16949 certified and QS-9000 quality certified. Customers are thrilled with Coverking Custom Car Covers. Even Monsoons can??t get through a Coverking Custom Car Cover parked on an Island in the Indian Ocean!Coverking set out to create a superior Custom Car Covers in fit, material properties, looks, strength and features. Coverking Custom Car Covers protect the vehicle interior from fading, block prying eyes from seeing what??s inside the car (and acting as a theft deterrent) and help the environment by reducing the need for car washing. Some Coverking materials can prevent minor nicks, scratches and even small hail damage. Coverking Custom Car Covers are a great way to protect vehicles parked at airports or near industrial sites. In very sunny climates, they keep the interior cooler and in winter they keep the snow off the glass. And because Coverking insists on using the fewest seams.Car Covers use a lot of material, - 30 yards is common for most vehicles. In an effort to save material, some car cover manufactures use patterns which are ?chopped up? into small pieces, and sewn together creating a patchwork effect. This method saves more than 20% of total material use, but results in car covers which look like patchwork quilts ? seams everywhere.

  • Coverking spares no expense in creating a custom car cover which fits perfectly
  • Car Covers use a lot of material, - 30 yards is common for most vehicles.
  • Coverking is TS16949 certified and QS-9000 quality certified.
  • Coverking has also pioneered the use of car cover fabrics in colors, two tone designs
  • All outdoor Coverking Custom Car Covers are sewn using double needle and overlapped seams

Vehicles & Years

  • 1967-1980 Triumph Spitfire


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