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Best Prices: Bendix MKD768S Front Semi Metallic Pads » Bendix

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Part Name: Bendix MKD768S Front Semi Metallic Pads
Part Number: BFMKD768S, MKD768S
Part Brand: Bendix

Part Image / Picture

Bendix MKD768S Front Semi Metallic Pads (BFMKD768S, MKD768S)

Part Description & Details

<B>Bendix TitaniuMetallic II</B> provides unsurpassed braking performance right out of the box. TitaniuMetallic is a coating that is applied to the pad&#39;s friction surface during the manufacturing process. This coating raises the brake pad&#39;s initial stopping power while the pad mates to the rotor surface. After about 50 stops the TitaniuMetallic coating wears away, having completed the pad-rotor surface mating process. What remains is a premium Bendix semi-metallic brake pad that will provide miles of outstanding performance across a wide range of operating conditions.<BR><BR><B>Features:</B><UL><LI>Available for all domestic applications</LI><LI>Bendix premium semi-metallic friction formulation</LI><LI>Noise-reducing shims to mirror Original Equipment specifications</LI></UL><BR><B>Advantages:</B><UL><LI>Greater stopping power with reduced pedal effort from the very first stop</LI><LI>Shorter stopping distances than other brand brake pads</LI><LI>Quiet brake operation</LI></UL><BR><B>Benefits:</B><UL><LI>Improved braking</LI><LI>"Better than new" performance</LI><LI>Increased operator satisfaction</LI></UL>

Vehicles & Years

  • 2000-2005 Volkswagen Beetle
  • 2000-2001 Volkswagen Cabrio
  • 2000-2006 Volkswagen Golf
  • 2000-2005 Volkswagen Jetta


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