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Best Prices: Monroe 931104 Reflex Strut Assembly » Monroe

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Part Name: Monroe 931104 Reflex Strut Assembly
Part Number: 931104, TS931104
Part Brand: Monroe

Part Image / Picture

Monroe 931104 Reflex Strut Assembly (931104, TS931104)

Part Description & Details

Monroe Reflex Strut Assembly features patented impact sensor technology and the safe tech system combining specially tuned valving and fluon banded piston. The Impact Sensor valve has the ability to sense acceleration to improve the handling, safety and overall ride characteristics of the vehicle. This reflex strut contains rod displaced valving on both the compression and extension cycles of the unit for a smooth comfortable ride. It includes special modifiers to reduce friction and ensure smooth rod reaction. This reflex strut assembly consists of a fluon banded piston which enhances responsiveness to changing road conditions. It features a nitrogen gas charged that helps maintain tire to road contact by reducing aeration. This reflex strut assembly has a hardened and chromed piston rod enabling long service life. It also comes along with a single lip seal with bronze reinforced rod guide bearings for consistent performance and a protective dust boot that reduces any moisture build-up, preventing severe suspension movement. This reflex strut assembly is backed by a limited life time warranty.

  • Features patented Impact sensor technology and the safe tech system
  • Contains rod displaced valving on both the compression and extension cycles of the unit for a smooth comfortable ride
  • Consists of a single lip seal with bronze reinforced rod guide bearings for consistent performance
  • Includes protective dust boot that prevents severe suspension movement
  • Backed by a limited warranty

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