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Best Prices: MSD 8633 Crank Trigger Kit » MSD

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Part Name: MSD 8633 Crank Trigger Kit
Part Number: 8633
Part Brand: MSD

Part Image / Picture

MSD 8633 Crank Trigger Kit (8633)

Part Description & Details

(SB Chrysler, 7.25" Balancer) Stable ignition timing is a necessity in performance engines. In most cases, a distributor will do just fine, but when you start making big-time horsepower with extreme cylinder pressures, the timing is critical to both the performance and the life of the engine. The ignition must be triggered at a precise time in relation to the position of the piston the compression stroke. However, think of all the mechanical stretching and flexing that takes place through the timing chain, gears and cam before the distributor pickup triggers the ignition. The crankshaft on the other hand, knows exactly where each piston is, plus it is the most stable component of the engine in relation to pistonposition. That's why a crank trigger is so important in high horsepower engine applications.

  • SB Chrysler, 7.25" Balancer

Vehicles & Years

  • 1978-1983 Chrysler Cordoba
  • 1984-1989 Chrysler Fifth Avenue
  • 1981-1982 Chrysler Imperial
  • 1977-1980 Chrysler LeBaron
  • 1978-1982 Chrysler New Yorker
  • 1971-1981 Chrysler Newport
  • 1978-1979 Chrysler Town & Country


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