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Best Prices: Trailmaster T547289 7289 Steering Damper » Trailmaster

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Part Name: Trailmaster T547289 7289 Steering Damper
Part Number: 7289, T547289
Part Brand: Trailmaster

Part Image / Picture

Trailmaster T547289 7289 Steering Damper (7289, T547289)

Part Description & Details

TRAILMASTER SSV STEERING STABILIZER KIT, DUAL CONFIGURATION -- Includes 2 steering stabilizers, bushings and mounting hardware; Features Speed Smart Valving that adjusts the stabilizers to changing road conditions automatically; Gas charged to reduce foaming and prolong optimal stabilizer performance; Made especially for lifted SUVs, trucks with oversized wheels and tires, and vehicles with heavy front-end equipment; Enhances handling by boosting steering response and reducing wheel shimmy and wander, all while retaining ride comfort; With Trailmaster's limited 24-month warranty on personal vehicles and a limited 12-month warranty for commercial vehicles.

Vehicles & Years

  • 2001-2001 Ford F


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