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Best Prices: HEDMAN HEDDERS 68309 Painted Hedders; Exhaust Header; Tube Size 1.625 in.; Collector Size 3 in.; D-Port; » Hedman

Compare prices and find the best price (cheap discount price) of the auto part HEDMAN HEDDERS 68309 Painted Hedders; Exhaust Header; Tube Size 1.625 in.; Collector Size 3 in.; D-Port; by the part number 68309, H5668309 from a variety of different online car part stores and dealers.

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Part Name: HEDMAN HEDDERS 68309 Painted Hedders; Exhaust Header; Tube Size 1.625 in.; Collector Size 3 in.; D-Port;
Part Number: 68309, H5668309
Part Brand: Hedman

Part Image / Picture

HEDMAN HEDDERS 68309 Painted Hedders; Exhaust Header; Tube Size 1.625 in.; Collector Size 3 in.; D-Port; (68309, H5668309)

Part Description & Details

Hedman Hedders increase performance and economy by improving the efficiency of a car's engine. Hedders remove exhaust gases faster and more efficiently than stock manifolds. Stock manifolds are designed for low cost, and have a short restrictive design which causes some exhaust gas to get bottled up in the cylinder. Because of these residual exhaust gases in the cylinder, the size of the new fuel charge is limited and engine temperature increases. Hedman Hedders have smoothly contoured individual pipes for each cylinder. These primary pipes create a suction effect, called scavenging, which pulls the exhaust gases out. This creates additional velocity in the cylinder and helps pull in the fresh fuel charge. Hedders were originally developed for racing applications and Hedman Hedders are carefully designed to provide the maximum increase in power for passing, hauling loads, towing, etc. In some cases this extra power contributes to improved economy because the engine does not have to work as hard to pull a heavy load or conquer a steep grade. Painted Hedder 1963-1982 Chevrolet Corvette 283-400 D-Port

  • Increases performance and economy by improving the efficiency of your car's engine
  • Designed to provide the maximum increase in power for passing, hauling loads and towing
  • Reduces engine temperature
  • Designed for the easiest possible installation
  • Includes installation instructions

Vehicles & Years

  • 1965-1974 Chevrolet Corvette


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