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Best Prices: Auto Meter | 6604 3 3/4" Silver Pro-Comp - Tachometer With Memory - Pedestal Mount - 10,000 RPM » Autometer

Compare prices and find the best price (cheap discount price) of the auto part Auto Meter | 6604 3 3/4" Silver Pro-Comp - Tachometer With Memory - Pedestal Mount - 10,000 RPM by the part number 6604, A486604 from a variety of different online car part stores and dealers.

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Part Name: Auto Meter | 6604 3 3/4" Silver Pro-Comp - Tachometer With Memory - Pedestal Mount - 10,000 RPM
Part Number: 6604, A486604
Part Brand: Autometer

Part Image / Picture

Auto Meter | 6604 3 3/4" Silver Pro-Comp - Tachometer With Memory - Pedestal Mount - 10,000 RPM (6604, A486604)

Part Description & Details

Auto Meter Silver performance tachometer and gauges can be found on some of the most aggressive vehicles in motor sports today. Silver Tachometers are available in several different models, each providing a variety of functions and features to benefit racers in any application. The Silver liquid filled gauges contain a special dampening fluid to ensure that you pointer stays put when the vehicle is pushed to the limit. Mountable in every conceivable position, the versatility and durability of our Pedestal Mount tachometers have made them a race proven favorite for over 30 years. These tachometers offer a variety of performance oriented options from shift lights to memory recall functions, coupled with a trade marked aluminum and rubber shock strap design for the best vibration protection available.

  • Has a range of 10000 RPM
  • Size of this pedestal mount pro-compact/memory electric tachometer is 3 3/4" (95.3mm)
  • Offer the power of information to racers looking for critical accuracy and smooth pointer movement
  • Operates on 4, 6, or 8 cylinder engines with points, electronic
  • Works with most 12V high performance racing ignitions

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