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Best Prices: Monroe 5985 Sensa-Trac Rear Shock Absorber » Monroe

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Part Name: Monroe 5985 Sensa-Trac Rear Shock Absorber
Part Number: 5985, TS5985, M455985
Part Brand: Monroe

Part Image / Picture

Monroe 5985 Sensa-Trac Rear Shock Absorber (5985, TS5985, M455985)

Part Description & Details

Monroe Sensa-Trac Rear Shock Absorber is designed to be a trusted ride control product with comfort. This shock absorber has groove tube technology that features precision tapered grooves allowing fluid to flow freely around the piston, creating a smoother ride under the wide range of driving conditions. During emergency maneuvers or braking, the piston travels beyond the grooves firming up the ride for added safety and control. This shock absorber adjusts itself rapidly to changing road and weight conditions. It features full displaced valving that adjusts to road extremes to provide consistency and ride comfort. This shock absorber consists of a nitrogen gas charged that helps maintain tire to road contact by reducing aeration. It also includes a 0.5 inch heavy duty nitro carburized rod for long service life and a self-lubricating fluid seal designed to retain gas without excessive wear or friction. This shock absorber is backed by a limited life time warranty.

  • Features position sensitive damping and the safe tech system
  • During emergency, the piston travels beyond the grooves firming up the ride for added safety and control
  • Consists of a nitrogen gas charged that helps maintain tire to road contact by reducing aeration
  • Contains a self-lubricating fluid seal designed to retain gas without excessive wear or friction
  • Backed by a limited warranty

Vehicles & Years

  • 2003-2005 Ford Focus


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