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Best Prices: Bully Dog 42500 Adjustable on-the-fly Triple Dog with Outlook Combo » Bully Dog

Compare prices and find the best price (cheap discount price) of the auto part Bully Dog 42500 Adjustable on-the-fly Triple Dog with Outlook Combo by the part number 42500, B1542500 from a variety of different online car part stores and dealers.

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Part Name: Bully Dog 42500 Adjustable on-the-fly Triple Dog with Outlook Combo
Part Number: 42500, B1542500
Part Brand: Bully Dog

Part Image / Picture

Bully Dog 42500 Adjustable on-the-fly Triple Dog with Outlook Combo (42500, B1542500)

Part Description & Details

Take your Ford Power Stroke, Dodge Cummins or GM Duramax to a whole new level with Bully Dog's Triple Dog. No one can touch what Bully Dog is doing. Bully Dog is the only manufacturer that can offer you a downloader that will increase horsepower levels on the latest Dodge Ford or GM trucks with the same downloader. Bully Dog is also the only manufacturer that will allow you to change horsepower levels inside the cab with a downloader. The Triple Dog works on the following trucks: Dodge 5.9L '03 - '07 Ford 6.0L '03 - '07 Ford 7.3L '99 - '03 GM '01 - '07 The Triple Dog will now work on the '06 and '07 GM 4500 and 5500 models. At this time it will not work on earlier models. This is no ordinary downloader; this is the ultimate downloader revolutionizing the Diesel Performance Industry. Don't get left behind. We Triple Dog dare you to take the Triple Dog challenge. Go ahead and take it to next level.

Vehicles & Years

  • 2003-2003 Dodge Ram 2500
  • 2003-2005 Dodge Ram 3500


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