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Best Prices: Eibach Pro Kit Lowering Springs 1997-1999 Hyundai Accent » Eibach

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Part Name: Eibach Pro Kit Lowering Springs 1997-1999 Hyundai Accent
Part Number: 4211140
Part Brand: Eibach

Part Image / Picture

Eibach Pro Kit Lowering Springs 1997-1999 Hyundai Accent (4211140)

Part Description & Details

(2/3/4DR, Incl. GL, GS, GSI, L ( 1.2in Front, 1.2in Rear)) Built for the (09/97-10/99) Hyundai Accent... The Pro-Kit is Eibach's premium suspension product and is considered to be one of the world's top performance suspension products. The performance and reliability has been proven in millions of Pro-Kit spring sets sold in all five continents and in over more than 40 countries around the world.The Eibach Pro-Kit spring system is the first choice for enthusiasts when upgrading their vehicle's suspension, improving both the vehicle's performance and appearance. The Pro-Kit provides, quite simply... "The Look That Performs".High ground clearance and huge fender-well gap inherent from the factory give your vehicle an unfinished look. Whether you plan to stay with your factory tires and wheels or adding performance wheels and tires, chances are, your car has "the lifted look". In reality a "Plus 1" or "Plus 2" wheel and tire package with a lower profile tire will exaggerate the large gap even more.

  • High Performance Handling
  • Lower Center of Gravity Lowers vehicle 1.0 - 1.5 inches
  • Progressive Spring Design
  • Excellent Ride Quality
  • Million Mile Warranty

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