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Best Prices: Bully Dog Power Programmer B1541566 » Bully Dog

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Part Name: Bully Dog Power Programmer B1541566
Part Number: 41566, B1541566
Part Brand: Bully Dog

Part Image / Picture

Bully Dog Power Programmer B1541566 (41566, B1541566)

Part Description & Details

BULLY DOG POWER PUP DOWNLOADER, WITH OUTLOOK MONITOR -- Offers adjustability on-the-fly; Provides the highest horsepower and lowest exhaust gas temperatures on the market with the most versatility; Gives the choice between four different power programs including stock, tow, performance, and extreme; Shows and erases the diagnostic trouble code numbers and their descriptions; Runs PTO devices on some models; Increases engine efficiency for increased fuel mileage; Offers increased performance for sled pulling and drag racing; Designed for those looking for more power for towing and performance, or for the extreme driver; Allows for internet upgrades; Easily plugs into the OBDII port; With Bully Dog's limited 1-year warranty.

Vehicles & Years

  • 2006-2006 Ford F


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