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Best Prices: 2002-2005 Dodge Ram PU Bumper Billet Grille - Vertical » T-Rex

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Part Name: 2002-2005 Dodge Ram PU Bumper Billet Grille - Vertical
Part Number: 35460
Part Brand: T-Rex

Part Image / Picture

2002-2005 Dodge Ram PU Bumper Billet Grille - Vertical (35460)

Part Description & Details

** Note: Images may show multiple products available. Upper and Lower Grilles are sold separately. If the title refers to ""Grille"", you will receive the upper grille ONLY, and if the title refers to ""Bumper"", you will receive the lower grille ONLY, unless otherwise noted. Fender vents are sold separately. **T-Rex is a billet grille manufacturer dedicated to delivering a quality product. Their focus is on fit and ease of installation. Bolt-on billet grilles mean less tools and no cutting which in turn equals more productivity. They start with solid stock of aircraft quality T-5 or T-6 billet aluminum rather than extruded aluminum as used by some competitors. The stock is cut to length then shaped to its specific contour. Each grille is then hand assembled into a custom jig and precision welded with a process called T.I.G. to ensure a strong and clean weld. At this point every billet grille is treated to a durable glossy block powder-coat. The final stage of manufacturing includes a three-stage polishing and cleaning. The entire process takes place in their Southern California manufacturing facility.

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