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Best Prices: Hypertech Power Tuning Modules Computer Chip - Module - Power Tuning Module - Chevy - Corvette » Hypertech

Compare prices and find the best price (cheap discount price) of the auto part Hypertech Power Tuning Modules Computer Chip - Module - Power Tuning Module - Chevy - Corvette by the part number 350952, H58350952 from a variety of different online car part stores and dealers.

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Part Name: Hypertech Power Tuning Modules Computer Chip - Module - Power Tuning Module - Chevy - Corvette
Part Number: 350952, H58350952
Part Brand: Hypertech

Part Image / Picture

Hypertech Power Tuning Modules Computer Chip - Module - Power Tuning Module - Chevy - Corvette (350952, H58350952)

Part Description & Details

HYPERTECH POWER TUNING MODULE -- Produces an improvement in performance and driveability based on point-by-point spark curve tuning; Incorporates a microprocessor programmed for optimum torque and power over the entire RPM band; Acts as an inline tuning device and is able to intercept and optimize the signals controlling the spark advance; Ideal for those who do not plan on making any other modifications; Plugs in between the factory computer and the wring harness; Utilizes Hypertech's proven Power Tuning techniques for maximum horsepower; The absolute leader among all in-line computer products; 49-state legal; Not legal for sale in California; With Hypertech's limited lifetime warranty.

Vehicles & Years

  • 1995-1995 Chevrolet Camaro
  • 1995-1995 Pontiac Firebird


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