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Best Prices: MSD 32809 Spark Plug Wire Set » MSD

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Part Name: MSD 32809 Spark Plug Wire Set
Part Number: 32809
Part Brand: MSD

Part Image / Picture

MSD 32809 Spark Plug Wire Set (32809)

Part Description & Details

((LT5), 90-95) Built for the Chevrolet Corvette... The MSD 8.5mm Super Conductor Wire is "the" performance wire. Engineered from the inside out, the 8.5 offers everything you have ever wanted in a wire; incredibly low resistance without electronic interference! In a single 12 inch length of Super Conductor Wire there is only 40 - 50ohms of resistance! That is the lowest resistance of any helically wound wire. To accomplish this, we use a copper alloy conductor due to it's great voltage carrying capabilities. This conductor is wound extremely tight around a special center core. So tight in fact, that there is over 40 feet of conductor wrapped into a single foot of plug wire. This winding procedure, combined with a ferro-magnetic impregnated center core, produces an extremely effective Electro Magnetic Interference (EMI) "choke".This choke, or suppression capability, keeps the EMI inside the wire where it cannot interfere with other electronics on your vehicle. The EMI suppression capability of the 8.5mm wire is equal to a 1,500 ohm per foot wire except you can get 30 times more spark energy delivered to the plug! The outer sleeve that surrounds the conductor assembly is just as impressive. A proprietary blend of silicone and synthetic material produce a sleeve that is highly resistant to high heat as well as abrasion and tears.

  • (LT5), 90-95
  • You may need MSD 8405 to adapt to 8.5mm
  • Chevrolet Corvette

Vehicles & Years

  • 1993-1993 Chevrolet Corvette


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