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Best Prices: HKS Exhaust Camshaft 272 Mitsubishi EVO VIII 03-04 » HKS

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Part Name: HKS Exhaust Camshaft 272 Mitsubishi EVO VIII 03-04
Part Number: 22002-AM004
Part Brand: HKS

Part Image / Picture

HKS Exhaust Camshaft 272 Mitsubishi EVO VIII 03-04 (22002-AM004)

Part Description & Details

HKS Exhaust Camshaft 272 Mitsubishi EVO VIII 03-04

HKS high performance camshafts are CAD designed to optimize torque and horsepower over the widest possible power band. Each camshaft application is offered in multiple profiles, each with their own lift & duration characteristics to suit various levels of tuning. Lower profiles offer substantial gains in power and a broad useable power band with little compromise in drivability. Higher profiles offer greater increases in power, but are tailored for the higher RPM range and racing applications.

HKS camshafts are not reground OEM units; they are machined from new billet cores which are constructed from a high nickel content iron alloy. By manufacturing all camshafts from billet cores, HKS is able to produce camshafts that equal or exceed the quality of the OEM units they are designed to replace. HKS camshafts are direct replacements and are designed to be compatible with the factory valve train components. However, due to the higher profile of HKS camshafts, HKS high performance valve springs are highly recommended, and required in certain applications.

Engine Code: 4G63BT
Cam Duration: 272
Cam Lift: 10.2mm

Note: Picture is for representation only, Actual product may vary.

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