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Best Prices: Volkswagen Jetta Composite Headlight Unit Without Fog Lamp (Only Fits From Vin #2108642) LH (driver's side) 20-5654-70 2005 » TYC

Compare prices and find the best price (cheap discount price) of the auto part Volkswagen Jetta Composite Headlight Unit Without Fog Lamp (Only Fits From Vin #2108642) LH (driver's side) 20-5654-70 2005 by the part number 20-5654-70 from a variety of different online car part stores and dealers.

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Part Name: Volkswagen Jetta Composite Headlight Unit Without Fog Lamp (Only Fits From Vin #2108642) LH (driver's side) 20-5654-70 2005
Part Number: 20-5654-70
Part Brand: TYC

Part Image / Picture

Volkswagen Jetta Composite Headlight Unit Without Fog Lamp (Only Fits From Vin #2108642) LH (driver's side) 20-5654-70 2005 (20-5654-70)

Part Description & Details

Volkswagen Jetta (2002-2005) | Driver's side (left) TYC Replacement Headlight (Headlamp) Assembly- Free Shipping TYC OEM-Style Replacement Headlights (Headlamps). TYC's high-performance and innovative headlamps cut the night like a knife. Whether you are looking to replace old and dull headlamps or just want to give your car a modern, sexy look, TYC's custom-lighting solutions are the perfect fit. TYC headlamps are designed with precision and undergo a stringent quality control process. Cutting-edge technologies including sensory devices and robotic tools are employed in every step of the TYC manufacturing process to ensure top-notch quality. TYC regularly carries out photometric experiments to measure reflection intensity and light pattern. As a market-leader and Original Equipment Manufacturer for various companies, TYC does all the hard work so that you- the customer, receive headlamps that are superior in quality and design to any of the TYC competitors. Headlamps are one of the most important safety devices on today's vehicles. The United States and Europe have very strict regulations regarding auto lighting equipment including headlamps. With driving safety a high priority, each headlight meets or exceeds DOT/SAE standards and complies with U.S. Motor Vehicle Safety Standard, FMVSS-108. Since each vehicle manufacturer utilizes different lighting sources, TYC produces many different types of headlight equipment including Projector, Halogen and Xenon (HID). N3F Racing is your source for high-quality, safety-compliant, brand new headlamps by TYC. Our unparalleled customer service and highly competitive pricing make us the best re-seller in the market of TYC products. Whether you have a question about headlamps, safety regulations or TYC products, our customer service agents are standing-by to walk you through each step and guide you for a personal and enhanced shopping experience.

  • OEM-Style Replacement Headlights (Headlamps)
  • Easy-to-install, no re-wiring required, perfect fit
  • Innovative and unique custom manufacturing
  • Cost-effective and trendy, these lights are the perfect OEM alternative
  • Compliant with the U.S Motor Vehicle Safety Standard, FMVSS-108

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