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Best Prices: Bully Dog Rapid Flow; Exhaust System: Must be ordered with 182013 182014 » Bully Dog

Compare prices and find the best price (cheap discount price) of the auto part Bully Dog Rapid Flow; Exhaust System: Must be ordered with 182013 182014 by the part number 182014, B15182014 from a variety of different online car part stores and dealers.

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Part Name: Bully Dog Rapid Flow; Exhaust System: Must be ordered with 182013 182014
Part Number: 182014, B15182014
Part Brand: Bully Dog

Part Image / Picture

Bully Dog Rapid Flow; Exhaust System: Must be ordered with 182013 182014 (182014, B15182014)

Part Description & Details

Bully Dog Technologies Rapid Flow Exhaust Systems are designed and built with absolute minimal degree angles on bends. This will create the most free flowing low back pressure system in the industry allowing the turbo to move air more freely, reducing exhaust temperatures. Dyno results have shown a 10-20hp gain in horsepower by simply switching from stock to a Rapid Flow Exhaust System. This will also lower exhaust temperatures by as much as 200 degrees depending on size upgrade and horsepower output. Exhaust systems come in 4 inch T-304 micro shine stainless steel, 4 inch T-409 stainless steel, and 16-gauge aluminized comes in 4 or 5 inch. Dual exhaust systems are also available in 16-gauge aluminized. Bully Dog recommends using a 4" exhaust system for horsepower applications less than 450 hp, while the 5" systems are recommended between 450 to 550 horsepower applications, and our new 6" systems are recommended for trucks producing more than 550 hp.

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  • 1994-1998 Dodge Ram 2500
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