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Best Prices: Hypertech 156381 Street Runner Power Chip » Hypertech

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Part Name: Hypertech 156381 Street Runner Power Chip
Part Number: 156381, H58156381
Part Brand: Hypertech

Part Image / Picture

Hypertech 156381 Street Runner Power Chip (156381, H58156381)

Part Description & Details

Very little work and a lot of performance with a Hypertech chip.

These Hypertech Street Runner Power Chips are replacements for your GM computer's stock PROM, or memory chip, which holds the factory settings that control your fuel flow and spark advance. These Hypertech chips replace the factory settings with performance-oriented ones. Hypertech Street Runners are designed for stock cars. They provide maximum power at wide-open throttle and delay converter lockup for smoother shifting, but don't affect the idle or part-throttle settings, so your mileage and emissions aren't affected. So, if you need more performance, then these Hypertech chips are just what you should get.

Vehicles & Years

  • 1986-1986 Chevrolet Corvette


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