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Best Prices: Greddy G2S Exhaust System: Audi A4 1.8T Sedan 1997-01 Quattro #15564 » GReddy

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Part Name: Greddy G2S Exhaust System: Audi A4 1.8T Sedan 1997-01 Quattro #15564
Part Number: 10106823
Part Brand: GReddy

Part Image / Picture

Greddy G2S Exhaust System: Audi A4 1.8T Sedan 1997-01 Quattro #15564 (10106823)

Part Description & Details

Product Details: The new G2 line was refined from it’s previous design to incorporate GReddy’s Global styling cues. Geared specifically for the differences in late-model European exhaust system layouts and rear valances, the new G2 utilizes dual polished 76mm beveled tips (in most cases) to better match the rear bumper of modern VW, Audi & other European vehicles. Furthering the Global touch to Euro tuning, GReddy incorporates tried and true features for the new G2 line, including: full stainless-steel construction, easy bolt-on installation, free flowing straight through cat-back design, and tuned exhaust tone and volume for each specific application.


Audi A4 1.8T Sedan 1997-01 Quattro

Dsc. Size: Dual 76mm tip, oval muffler, 60-2x 60mm piping

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