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Best Prices: Purple Color 92-90 Probe / 3.0Liter / V6 Cylinder high performance spark plug wires by Nology for FORD Probe » Nology

Compare prices and find the best price (cheap discount price) of the auto part Purple Color 92-90 Probe / 3.0Liter / V6 Cylinder high performance spark plug wires by Nology for FORD Probe by the part number 011206101-106662-Purple from a variety of different online car part stores and dealers.

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Part Name: Purple Color 92-90 Probe / 3.0Liter / V6 Cylinder high performance spark plug wires by Nology for FORD Probe
Part Number: 011206101-106662-Purple
Part Brand: Nology

Part Image / Picture

Purple Color 92-90 Probe / 3.0Liter / V6 Cylinder high performance spark plug wires by Nology for FORD Probe (011206101-106662-Purple)

Part Description & Details

High performance spark plug wires upgrade - Add more Horsepower and Torque to your FORD Probe Nology HotWires is the top-notch quality spark plug wires you can offer to your FORD Probe. Experience a Higher top speed and peak power your FORD Probe returns to you. Install one now and feel the difference while you are driving your ride. The secret of your Nology HotWires (FORD Probe performance spark plug wires): They are the most technologically advanced ignition/spark plug wires available. HotWires are engineered with a special built-in capacitor that will create the most powerful spark possible - exclusive only to Hotwires. The result - This revolutionary design allows energy from your car's ignition coil to accumulate in the capacitor until the voltage at the spark plug electrodes reaches the ionization point. At that split-second point the entire power of the stored spark is discharged at once, creating a spark 300 times more powerful. The result is faster, more complete combustion that increases the horsepower and torque to your FORD Probe. Why wait any longer? Order your FORD Probe Nology spark plug wires today. You will love what you get. Nology ignition spark plug wires for FORD Probe features: Quicker acceleration Increased horsepower and torque Higher top speed Easier starting engine Precise ignition timing Increased fuel mileage

  • Quicker acceleration
  • Increased horsepower and torque
  • Higher top speed
  • Easier starting engine
  • Precise ignition timing and Increased fuel mileage

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